February 2024 Results

1st Laurie Mountford and Montana 2nd Scarlett and Robin 3rd Emily Thompson and Graceland Ebony 4th Michelle Thompson and Greenholme Potters Choice 5th Amy Brothwell and Merlyn 6th Chelsea Thornton and Naamloos Fleurtje 7th Tabitha Jeans and Woody 8th Ellie Parkin and Miko 9th Tina Johnson and Sally 10th Amber Lou and Murphy

1st Kyra Davis and Fizzy 2nd Aimee Smee and Autumn Spirit 3rd Keira Ghee and Barney 4th Harrison and Bertie 5th Emily Thompson and Graceland Ebony 6th Jessica Robeson and Pinky 7th Emma Selby and Rocky 8th Athena Nicholau and Squishy 9th Tabitha Jeans and Woody 10th Fiona Presland and Spike

1st Tabitha Jeans and Barney 2nd Harrison and Bertie 3rd Charlotte Chambers and Jakeman 4th Lauren Saulnier and Marlie 5th Emily Selby and Rocky 6th Emily Thompson and Graceland Ebony 7th Toni Czogalik and Bobby 8th Chelsea Thornton and Schoontje 9th Tabitha Jeans and Woody 10th Rosie and Phantom

1st Emily Thompson and Graceland Ebony 2nd Tabitha Jeans and Barney 3rd Katie Redmore and Poppy and family 4th Ruby Gray and Sophie and Buzz 5th Chloe Alice Lewis and Buttons 6th Chloe Alice Lewis and Tinks 7th Gracie Reay and Callie 8th Amber Lou 9th Paige Littleboy and Polly 10th Harrison and Bertie

1st Lauren Saulnier and Marlie - absolutely gorgeous coat!! 2nd Charlotte Chambers and Jakeman 3rd Michelle Thompson and Ringstone Prince (Geoff) 4th Freya Roff and Jack 5th Kyra Davis and Fizzy 6th Emily Thompson and Stoneybank Jet 7th Leah Fowler and Josie 8th Dawn Monk and Womble 9th Amy Brothwell and Louie 10th Phoebe Miles and Mannie Special: Amanda Rice and Briar Viscount

1st Nadine Smith and Paddy 2nd Sam Friskney and Trooper 3rd Keira Haddock and Lex 4th Amy Brothwell and Nougat 5th Nicky Legg and Orion’s Titania 6th Emma Rennison and Bae 7th Tabitha Jeans and Barney 8th Leah Emily Fryett-Broadley and Star 9th Charlotte Chambers and Rico 10th Amber Lou and Murphy Special Tina Johnson and Sally

1st Rachel Williams and Jack 2nd Morgan-Rae Stevenson and Melete 3rd Emma Marriott and Honesty 4th Amy Brothwell and Merlyn (pic 2) 5th Julie Williams and Woody 6th Rose and Neville 7th Tabitha Jeans and Woody 8th Verity Stapeley and Ruby 9th Catherine Beniston and The Twins Scotty and Hamish 10th Hannah Sales and Freddie Specials: Chelsea Thornton and Naamloos Fleurtje Emily Thompson and Graceland Ebony Emily Selby and Rocky Tallulah King and Barney Paige Littleboy and Polly Ellie Parkin and Mi

1st Catherine Beniston and Mara 2nd Emily Thompson and Stoneybank Jet 3rd Nadine Smith and Mouse 4th Chelsea Thornton and Bonnie 5th Lauren Saulnier and Marlie 6th Mali Jones and Harvey 7th Tabitha Jeans and Woody 8th- Verity Stapeley and Ruby (Pic 2) 9th Lauren Davis and 'Arry 10th Natalie Parish and Puzzle Specials: Michelle Thompson and Ringstone Prince (Geoff) Florence Bennett and Poppy Morgan Bedford and Archie

1st Emily Thompson and Gracelands Ebony 2nd Cara Martin and Dylan 3rd Harrison and Bertie 4th Rachael Hurd and Kimi 5th Tina Johnson and Sally 6th Rose and Neville 7th Maddie Walsh and Dart 8th Julie Williams and Woody 9th Jas Osbourne and Max 10th Kate Going and Tabun Specials: Morgan Bedford and Archie Tabitha Jeans and Woody Libby Roberts and Storm Kendall Evie-Dennett and Denny