February 2025 Results

1st Maddie and Tinky 2nd Sarah WB and BeBe 3rd Pippa Fryett and Tigs 4th Claire Procter and Ballyferris 5th Ellie-May Leach 6th Rhiannon Russell and Rory 7th Amy Brothwell and Reuben 8th Amy Brothwell and Louie 9th Tina Johnson and Honey 10th Charlotte Mainwaring and Mullaghroy Grey

1st Clare Lomas and Rosehall Mr Nixon 2nd Ella-Louise Burger and Lana 3rd Georgie Weir and Blackberry 4th Rosie Packham and Charlie 5th Ella-Louise Burger and Kahula 6th Alisha Mclennan and Sunny 7th Billy-Jo Howe and Pumpkin 8th Rhiannon Russell and Rory (Pic 1) 9th Rachel Williams and Black Jack 10th Kirsty Angus and Bling

1st Alisha Mclennan and Sunny 2nd Peggy Decker and Cinnabar's Painted Puzzle 3rd Amy Walsh and William and Bonnie 4th Claire Taylor and Toby 5th Rhiannon Russell and Chesney 6th Ella-Louise Burger and Lana 7th Kirsty Angus and Tiggy 8th Rachel Williams and Black Jack 9th Roșie Packham and Charlie 10th Mali Steele and Dawnie

1st Sarah WB and BeBe 2nd Alisha Mclennan and Sunny 3rd Sam Friskney and Trooper 4th Amy Brothwell and Louie 5th Peggy Decker and Cinnabar's Painted Puzzle 6th Jess Algate and Ruby Roo 7th Tina Johnson and Honey 8th Catherine Beniston and Nippy 9th Georgie Weir and Penny 10th Rhiannon Russell and Rory

1st Sarah WB and Bebe 2nd Amy Brothwell and Louie 3rd Georgie Weir and Penny 4th Pippa Fryett and Tigs 5th Peggy Decker and Cinnabar’s Painted Puzzle 6th Mali Steele and Raven 7th Amy Brothwell and Popcorn 8th Amy Brothwell and Toffee 9th Amanda Rice and Blazefield Roger 10th Jo Sellars Waymark and Sellar’s Joy

1st Amy Brothwell and Merlyn 2nd Sam Friskney and Hinata 3rd Georgie Weir and Blackberry 4th Alisha Mclennan and Zeus 5th Miyarose and Pru 6th Rachel Williams and Black Jack 7th Zara Davis and Puzzle 8th Amy Brothwell and Oliver 9th Tina Johnson and Amber 10th Florence Bennett and Lissy

1st Ella-Louise Burger and Bea and Destiny (Pic 1) 2nd Lilly Rowley and Gem 3rd Rachel Williams and Smokey Joe 4th Livvi Beckett and moet 5th Alisha McLennan and Zeus 6th Carly Griffiths and Darcy (pic 1) 7th Layla Fox and Greenford Red Arrow 8th Jasmine Peters and Willow 9th Amy Brothwell and Merlyn (pic 2) 10th Sophie Wilkinson and Redlea Little Star Special: Nadine Smith and Mouse

1st Tamzin Butt and Tommy 2nd Catherine Fawdry and Emmy 3rd Peggy Decker and Cinnabar's Painted Puzzle 4th Rhiannon Russell and Rory 5th Jess Algate and Ruby Roo 6th Izzy Harrison and Jersey Wonder 7th Rachel Williams and Black Jack 8th Amy Walsh and Freya and Bonnie 9th Miyarose and Pru 10th Lacey and Archie Specials: Ella-Louise Burger and Bea Amy Gagg Emi Boreham and Mango

1st Tamzin Butt and Romeo 2nd Megan-Rose Marriott-Henshaw and Bluewood Daisy 3rd Bonnie Madden and Poppy 4th Cerys Brushett and Oscar 5th Layla Fox and Lennie 6th Isabella Coles and Odin 7th Lily Adams and Jack 8th Ella-Louise Burger and Lana 9th Imogen Bell and Poppy 10th Georgie Weir and Penny Specials: Millie Pinwwill and Finn Micah Patton and Jinny Alyssa Maple and Krystal Peggy Decker and Cinnabars Painted Puzzle