July 2024 Results

1st Rebecca Snape and Trish 2nd Claire Devine and Timothy 3rd Josie Shereston and KookeeBoogie 4th Kyra David and Fizzy 5th Sophie Owen and Scarlett and Robin 6th Chelsea Thornton and Schoontje 7th Rosie Packham and Charlie 8th Sam Friskney and Trooper 9th Roxanne Mansfield and Matt and Place Morny 10th Evie Davidson and Belle Special: Connie Johnson and Oakthwaite Sandoman

1st Kia Whitehead and Sadie 2nd Kayleigh and Jazzy 3rd Paige Littleboy and Polly 4th Naomi Silk and Chloe 5th Rosie Packham and Charlie 6th Jess Algate and Ruby Roo 7th Ellie-May Leach 8th Bonnie Madden and Mojo 9th Connie Johnson and Oakthwaite Sandoman 10th Akira Wood and Redliffe Millicent

1st Isla Battersby and Barry - gorgeous!! 2nd Romany Burns and Cassie 3rd Sarah Jones and Ronnie 4th Amy Brothwell and Louie 5th Aubrey and Ariel 6th Tina Johnson and Honey 7th Libby Roberts and Llocllyach Lilly 8th Kyrah and Toffee 9th Josie Shereston and KoogeeBoogie 10th Clare Lomas and Rosehall Mr Nixon

1st Josie Shereston and Koogee Boogie 2nd Tina Johnson and Honey 3rd Hannah Leslie and Kobi 4th Miyarose and Arrabellla 5th Kyrah and Toffee 6th Sam Friskney and Trooper 7th Lauren Davie and 'Arry (Pic 2) 8th Ally Medlin and Happy Go Lucky 9th Clare Devine and Timothy 10th Charlotte Blythman

1st Kyra Davis and Fizzy 2nd Connie Johnson and Oakthwaite Sandoman 3rd Chelsea Thornton and Schoontje 4th Charlotte Blytham 5th Amy Brothwell and Reuben 6th Jo Sellars Waymark and Mowbray 7th Ellie-May Leach 8th Lauren Davis and 'Arry 9th Evie Davidson and Belle 10th Catherine Beniston

1st Amy Brothwell and Merlyn 2nd Lisa Plumb and Ringo 3rd Rachel Williams and Smokey 4th Sarah Jones and Ronnie 5th Maggie Flint and Rupert 6th Michelle Hodder and Apollo 7th Crystal Brown and Roo 8th Romany Burns and Cassie (Pic 2) 9th Amelie Folley and Harley 10th Carol Mclean and Maisie

1st Alison Hayton and Billy and Bruno 2nd Ella-Louise Burger and Destiny and Bea 3rd Maggie Flint and Rupert 4th Livvi Beckett and Moët 5th Amy Brothwell and Reuben 6th Tina Johnson and Sally 7th Amy Brothwell and Merlyn (Pic 2) 8th Crystal Brown and Roo 9th Annie Truin and Edna 10th Alarna Broughton and Nancy Special: Lauren Davis and 'Arry

1st Amy Brothwell and Louie 2nd Gabi Whybrow and Aurora 3rd Catherine Beniston and Mara 4th Seb Fairley and Sisko 5th Tina Johnson and Sally 6th Maggie Flint and Rupert 7th Victoria Vickers Wynne and Bernie 8th Toni Czogalik and Bobby 9th Carol McClean and Maisie 10th Bonnie Madden and Boo Special: Aubrey and Foxy Sam Friskney and Hinata Cassie Miller and Aurora (Pic 1)